SA-MP 0.3.8 Release Candidate (Test) veröffentlicht | Infos

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    • SA-MP 0.3.8 Release Candidate (Test) veröffentlicht | Infos

      SA-MP 0.3.8 RC

      The 0.3.8 version of SA-MP will feature server-side custom models.
      Right now custom objects and custom player skins are supported, with
      more types planned for the future. Since this feature potentially has a
      large scope for some servers, 0.3.8 is being placed in to RC early. This
      gives server owners plenty of time to plan. These new features will
      take some time to formalise, so be please be patient with the release.

      Although there are several new security features related to custom
      models, these are not yet enabled in the current build. Only use the RC
      version with people you trust as there could be unknown security flaws in GTA:SA's model formats.

      How custom models work in SA-MP

      Custom models are stored with the SA-MP server, usually in the 'models'
      folder. When a player connects, they are given a list of all models used
      by the server. Players will download models as required and store them
      by CRC in a 'cache' folder. Every server the player connects to has a
      seperate model cache. The local cache is located under: Documents\GTA San Andreas User Files\SAMP\cache followed by the server's IP.Port.

      For custom player skins, the player will download all of these at the
      start of the game, since the game can't be paused to load skins. For
      objects attached to the player like accessories, these must be
      downloaded at the start also. For world objects, these will be
      downloaded depending what virtual world they are in. That means it's
      possible to have custom worlds that the player would not have to
      download until they entered the virtual world.

      Model format

      The skin format is the same as the game's normal format. Object models
      require a collision attached to the dff, and this collision has to be
      attached using the kdff tool.

      The main modeling tools for GTA:SA are written for 3dsmax, although
      there are some other tools available for blender. I have made a short
      blender export tutorial available here.

      Defining custom models in the artconfig.txt file

      Custom models are currently defined in the server's artconfig.txt file. The line AddCharModel is used to add a new player model, and AddSimpleModel
      is used to define a custom object, which includes both world objects
      and objects that will be attached to players as accessories.

      Player skins use ranges: 20000 to 30000 (10000 slots)Objects use negative IDs: -1000 to -30000 (29000 slots)

      Other fixes since 0.3.7

      - The radar outline should now scale properly in widescreen resolutions.
      - A bug introduced to PlayerPlaySound with sound ID 0 should be fixed.
      - Actors should now be able to rotate again.

      Lange drauf gewartet und es kam dann doch, ein neues SA-MP Update, was haltet Ihr davon?
      Derzeitig befindet sich das Update in der Testphase (es werden auch noch weitere Testversionen folgen), d.H wir (NRP) werden erst nach dem "richtigen" Release updaten!

      Wer aktuell noch auf NRP Spielen möchte, sollte bei der aktuellen Version bleiben. Oder 2 verschiedene GTAs installieren.

      MfG, - Der Blog rund um die Projekte von Nemesus!

      Mein Youtube-Kanal: Youtube


      Discord: Nemesus#1403
    • Updates:

      SA-MP 0.3.8 RC4 Client/Server update

      - Adds support for URL redirection for model/texture downloads, which means you can host downloads on a web server instead of sending them through the SA-MP server. Client URL downloading is done via libcurl version 7.57.0 compiled with support for http, https, and zlib (gzip).
      - If you require a proxy server to download over http, a proxy address can be entered in the Tools > Settings dialog of the SA-MP server browser.
      - Adds various pawn functions to deal with download redirection. See the dl_redirect.pwn filterscript for more information.
      - Adds GetPlayerCustomSkin() function.
      When SetPlayerSkin is used to set a custom skin (downloaded from the server), GetPlayerSkin returns the base skin (from the game), not the custom skin ID. Instead you must use GetPlayerCustomSkin to get the custom skin ID. The SA-MP client and server assume that downloads could fail, or that custom models may fail to load, in which case the base skin used in AddCharModel() is still the main skin.

      SA-MP 0.3.8 RC3-4 Client update

      - "FreeTXDs" was removed from the F5 screen as it was crashing some players.

      SA-MP 0.3.8 RC3-3 Client update

      - More dff/txd validation.

      SA-MP 0.3.8 RC3-2 Client update

      - The custom model unloading code added in RC3 is causing crashes for some people and has been disabled for now.

      SA-MP 0.3.8 RC3-1 Client update

      - The dff reader couldn't read the Skin extension on some skins.

      SA-MP 0.3.8 RC3 Client/Server update

      - Adds the first layer of security checks for model/texture file
      downloads. More security features will be added as the 0.3.8 RC period
      progresses. For now, only join servers where you trust the server owner.
      - You can now change the location of the model cache folder using the Tools > Settings menu in the SA-MP server browser.
      - Objects created from models downloaded from the server are now freed from memory after they are deleted.
      - Adds data compression to file downloads. Note: Downloads with thousands of small files can still be slow.

      SA-MP 0.3.8 RC2 Client/Server update

      - MAX_OBJECTS increased to 2000.
      - Fixes sniper hud was not drawing correctly.
      - In RC1, SelectObject was showing debug collision information and would crash if the information was unavailable.
      - Fixes invalid ped model crash that effected some 0.3.8 RC1 players
      - Adds 'local' cache concept to avoid having to download large numbers
      of models in game. This feature is not finalized. More on this later.
      - In RC1, streaming might have been broken if you teleported from one vworld in to the same vworld.

      - Adds support for timed objects in custom models.
      - AddCharModel/AddSimpleModel can now be called from pawn. There are
      currently no restrictions on when you can call these functions, but be
      aware that if you do not call them inside
      OnFilterScriptInit/OnGameModeInit, you run the risk that some players,
      who are already on the server, may not have downloaded the models.


      native AddCharModel(baseid, newid, dffname[], txdname[]);
      native AddSimpleModel(virtualworld, baseid, newid, dffname[], txdname[]);
      native AddSimpleModelTimed(virtualworld, baseid, newid, dffname[], txdname[], timeon, timeoff);

      Quelle: - Der Blog rund um die Projekte von Nemesus!

      Mein Youtube-Kanal: Youtube


      Discord: Nemesus#1403
    • TheDivine schrieb:

      Wenn das so klappt mega geil! Ich vermisse noch die Mod barren Fahrzeugmodelle! :c
      Wenn das hier gut klappt könnte der nächste Schritt ggf. etwas mit Fahrzeugmodellen zutun haben ...? =)


      Verirrter Flugschüler (während einem Überlandflug):
      "Unknown airport with a Cessna 150 circling overhead. Identify yourself, please"
    • Hätte nicht gedacht das je nochmal in SA:MP ein größeres Update erscheint, aber das ist ein mega Update.
      Detective IV , Charly Valentina Smith
      Major Crimes Division (MCD)
      Training Divison (TO), Fleet Management,
      - Office of Administration - Recruitment Supervisor -
      San Andreas Police Department — "To Protect and to Serve"

    • SamuelSienna schrieb:

      Hauste rein Objekte limit ^^
      Fuck yeah :D

      Sehr geiles Update.
      "The people clap loud when you Win a Grammy... The people clap louder when you win an Oscar...but the people clap the loudest when you fall..."

      -John James

      "Ich kann sprechen und reden gleichzeitig." - Destro, 22.11.2015

      "Muss ich nicht, weil ich es nicht muss!" - Destro, 07.02.2016

      "Du darfst mich auch gerne "Mein Führer" nennen!" - YaMaZukii, 26.03.2016

      "Du kamst erst nach später!" - Destro, 22.04.2016

      "Ich sehe mal ein Auge daraus aus!" - Destro, 12.08.2016

      "Ich red so wie ich spreche!" - Destro, 12.08.2016

      "Ich hab nicht viel mitbekommen, aber viel" - Jeff, 21.08.2016

      "Meine Augen sind auch nicht mehr die Hellsten." - Destro, 18.11.2016